Welcome to the latest edition of the Kartsport Wellington eNewsletter! Keep reading to see what we're up to this month!


What's On This Month?

  • Saturday 8th June - KSNZ Tech Officer Training
  • Sunday 16th June - Club Day (Normal Format)


Later this year…

  • Thursday 18 July - AGM
  • Sunday 28 July - Club Day & Bill Picard Memorial Grand Prix
  • Sunday 11 August - Bike Only Race Day
  • Sunday 18 August - Club Day
  • Saturday 7 September - Working Bee
  • Sunday 15 September - Club Champs
  • Sunday 20 October - Club Day
  • Saturday 9 November - REVERSE Club Day
  • Saturday 14 December - Christmas Fun Day & Dinner

It's that time of year again and the AGM is rapidly approaching on us! The date has been set for Thursday 18th July (venue TBA). This is YOUR chance to voice how we should run the club, what events we should run, raise your concerns, and most importantly to put your best foot forward for the year ahead.


Don't forget, the club doesn't run itself. It would be great to have some new faces on board with bold new ideas and thoughts. All of the positions on the Committee are up for election, so don't be afraid to get stuck in!

Last Club Day

Well done to all of our winners from the 2024 Atomise Enduro meeting!

Nearby Events

WPKA Goldstar series finishes off this weekend in Palmerston North, good luck to those heading up there to race! We also have a representation in the South Island with Sunbelts. Good luck to you all!

Welcome New Members!

Welcome to our new members!

If you see them around, please say hi and give them a helping hand :)


  • Mila Binns - Briggs LO206 Junior
  • Macarn Binns - Briggs LO206 Junior

See you at the race track soon!

Thanks to our

awesome sponsors!

Kartsport Wellington, since 1961