Welcome to the latest edition of the Kartsport Wellington eNewsletter! Keep reading to see what we're up to this month!

What's On This Month?

  • Sunday 13th October - Bathurst 1000!!!
  • Sunday 20th October - Clubday normal format


Later this year…

  • Sunday 20 October - Club Day
  • Saturday 9 November - REVERSE Club Day
  • Saturday 30 November - WORKING BEE
  • Saturday 7 December - Have a Go Day
  • Saturday 14 December - Christmas Fun Day & Dinner

Working Bee & Cafe Helpers

The next working bee is scheduled for Saturday 30th November. It would be awesome to have a few more helpers than last time (9 people). Remember, the club needs you to help out which in turn keeps prices down. It would be a real shame to start having to outsource work that we can do on our own.

The same can be said for our Cafe, we are well known for having some of the best food in the country at kart tracks. Some other tracks have had to bring in outside caterers for their cafe which although solves a volunteer problem it takes away a vital source of income for the club.

Please have a think about if you can help your club and we look forward to hearing from you!

Event Spotlight

Well done to our winners from last months club champs!

Cadet - Rhys Gaskin

Mini Rok - Phineas Shearman

DVS JR - Josh Collins

Rotax JR - Nikolas Greer

Briggs JR - Emmerson Healey

Briggs Light - Campbell Owens

Briggs Light Master - Mike Love

Briggs Light Legend - Brent Melhop

Briggs Heavy - Shaun Croskery

Briggs Heavy Master - Paul Edlin

DVS - Jack Strand

Rotax Light - Thomas Greer

Club Class - Chris Simmonds

Open - Brent Melhop

North Island Champs

Who's heading up for North Island champs? It would be great to get together a travel group to pit together at the track. 

Have a chat to Scott Gardner if you're keen to set up camp as a group from Wellington!

In The Limelight

A HUGE month for Kartsport Wellington this October!

Tyler Edney - Super Kart racing in Winton, Australia in Rotax.

Josh Collins - IKC Championship round in Ipswich, Australia in KA3 Junior Heavy

James Hadley, Thomas Batt & Shaun Croskery - Grand Nationals 8 in New Castle, USA racing Briggs LO206. A huge event with 552 entries!!!

Keeping Legal…

Remember that rib protectors are now a mandatory item! These don't need to be FIA or CIK certified, but it's definitely worth buying a decent quality item. There are many options around ranging from $100 to about $600.

See you at the race track soon!

Thanks to our

awesome sponsors!

Kartsport Wellington, since 1961