We are very lucky to be able to get access to the track for practice as members.
This access is a privilege and primarily for active, racing club members to practice. There is some risk involved in this and we need to ensure that this is well managed.
It needs to be clear that all people are there at their own risk and they accept this.
We also need to have protocols and rules in place to ensure we provide a reasonable level of safety and risk management.
We also want to provide space for new and or potential new members to ‘have a go’ and also build themselves up to racing with practice and training.
These rules have scope for new people looking to get into the sport to get a feel for it before spending the money on a bike and gear etc.
They can be hosted as guests of a member who is responsible for ensuring they are well briefed and coached as needed.
If you are likely to need more than two guest sessions to be comfortable to race, please contact the club and we will consider your circumstances, we may also be able to pair you up with someone to assist with your training.
Key allocation has always been by the approval of the committee. The committee will continue to look at each application and use discretion around various aspects of each member's participation the last 12 months. Discretion will be used around new members or those who have not yet been members for a 12 month period.
This access is a privilege, we are really fortunate to have access to such an amazing facility. This comes from a lot of hard work and dedication from our club members, committee, friends and helpers. Please respect the work and effort that goes into this so we can all enjoy a good time out on the track.
The rules below must be followed at all times when practicing.
Practice Requirements for Bucket Bike members: (Note, read on for “Guests”)(These are in addition to the general track rules)
Must be a current member of Kartsport Wellington.
Must hold a current and valid MNZ Club or Championship Licence to practice.
Must be a current member of an MNZ affiliated club.
All bikes must conform to MNZ Miniature Road Racing Rules for track protection, currently (Jan 2023) MNZ rule 16.8, regardless of whether they qualify for this class or not.
All bikes must conform with the following class rules unless an exception is granted by the Kartsport Wellington Committee in writing:
Miniature Road Racing (See Chapter 16 and Appendix A)
Mini Supersport (Appendix L)
Senior Mini Supersport. (Appendix M)
All bikes must be checked off as compliant and approved before being used on the track for practice, to arrange this email
NOTE: This applies if you buy a new bike or change or damage one significantly.
All safety gear and track protection must be up to a good standard at all times.
Rider safety gear to be worn in accordance with MNZ rules (See Chapter 8), members have a duty to ensure this occurs in all cases.
Be aware of, and adhere to all track rules, as much as they can be applied to bikes.
Members are responsible for any guests that they invite to the track, the rules on guests must be followed. (See Below) (Or Link)
MNZ Manual of Motorsport
People can bring guests on their key to “Have a go”, or to assist provided that:
All guests, riding or not, must complete and submit the indemnity form here: Non Karting Indemnity Form
The form must be completed and submitted before entering the track confines.
Guests may only be invited by a current member who is responsible for ensuring all rules are followed for practice.
Each guest can have a maximum of two days where they ‘have a go’, unless an exception is made, in writing, by the Kartsport Wellington Committee or President.
Practice Requirements for Membership and Licences do not apply to people riding as guests.
Each member can only bring a maximum of two people to “Have a go” on a given day. More support people may attend but they are not to ride.
No ‘Events’ - If there is a need for more people to have a go at a time, contact the clubs and we’ll look at putting on an event with all the required permits, officials and medical cover.