Getting Started at Kartsport Wellington

Welcome to Kartsport Wellington! Below are some handy tips to get involoved with the club. If there is anything else you need help with, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

  • The first thing we recommend people do is come along on a race day to see what Karting is all about. This is a great way to meet some of the club and committee, and get an understanding of how a race day works. From there you may choose to try out one of our Have a Go packages, or dive straight into it!
  • Apply for membership, the form can be found in the forms tab along the top.
  • Apply for track access if you want to be able to practice in your spare time. Track access is via a swipe card at the main gate.
  • At this stage it could also be worth contacting the club to see if any trailer sites are available. This is handy if you work out of a trailer or van as it gurantees you a spot on club days.

Please allow some time for your membership and track access to be approved, they must be brought forward at Committee meetings before being approved.

Before we grant you track access, we usually like to meet you in person at the track with your race gear and kart. Or sometimes we can arrange another visit to meet you. This is to make sure all of your gear is up to scratch before using the track. Even on non race days, your kart and race gear must be up to Kartsport New Zealand regulations.

  • From there, once club membership is sorted, you can apply for a Kartsport New Zealand licence. We recommend going straight for a Competition Licence instead of a practice one, it saves a lot of hassle once you decide to go racing with us!
  • Kartsport New Zealand licencing can be found here:
  • Download the app to your phone, this is where your digital licence will be stored for all events.

After you have club membership, track access, and a valid licence. You're ready to go! Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Events page for when the next meeting is. It might also pay to have a read through the Track Rules which outlines some important info when practicing at the track.

Happy karting and see you soon!