1. Interpretation
In this Constitution and these Rules, unless a contrary intention appears:
“Club” means Kartsport Wellington Incorporated.
“Committee” means the whole Committee as elected by the Members.
“Committee Person” means an individual member of the Committee.
“Executive” means President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Club Captain.
“Member” means a financial member of the Club.
“Year” means the financial year of the Club.
“KartSport New Zealand” means KartSport New Zealand Incorporated.
“Officer” means a person appointed to a position by the Committee
“Notice” is a means of advising a person of an event or time limit by delivering personally to that
person the necessary information
“WPKA” means Wellington Provincial Karting Association Incorporated.
Words importing the singular number shall be deemed to include the plural and vice-versa.
Words importing the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the female gender.
“In Committee” means only Committee Persons can be in attendance (ref 4.11) for a particular
meeting or part of a meeting.
2. Name of the Club
2.1. The Club shall be called KartSport Wellington (Incorporated) and shall consist of all persons who
are members of the Club in accordance with this Constitution and these Rules.
3. Objects
3.1. The objects of the Club are to encourage karting and karting activities to the benefit of all members.
The Club’s activities shall be conducted independent of any personal interest or gain of members.
3.2. The Club may purchase, take or lease, or otherwise acquire upon such terms as it may think fit, any
real or personal property and any rights and privileges either necessary or convenient for the
purposes of the Club and may erect, maintain, improve, or alter any buildings or works as it may
3.3. The Club may borrow or raise money upon mortgages of any of the real and personal or other
obligations or securities of the Club.
3.4. The Club may invest and deal with the funds of the Club upon such securities or in a manner and
upon such terms and conditions as the Club may think fit.
3.5. The Club may sell, lease, exchange, mortgage or otherwise deal with all or any of the real and
personal property of the Club.
3.6. The Committee, by majority decision, is empowered to undertake activities included in 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,
and 3.5 up to and including the Limits of Authority as declared in Schedule One of this Constitution.
These Limits of Authority can only be changed or modified by way of Remit to an Annual General
Meeting (AGM) or Special General Meeting (SGM).
4. Committee
4.1. The Committee of the Club shall consist of the Executive (President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Club Captain) and at least three other Committee Persons. The Member
Communication Editor, the Club Race Official, the Club Technical Officer and the Race Secretary
will be ex-officio Committee Persons and have full Committee status.
4.2. All elected members of the Committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible without notice for reelection
at the AGM by ballot. Should any of the Committee resign during their term of office and/or
any Committee Person fail to attend three consecutive duly convened meetings without furnishing
satisfactory reasons for his absence, he shall cease to be a member of the Committee and any
vacancy so occasioned shall likewise be filled by the Committee for the time being. The Committee
shall meet at least ten times per annum and all meetings shall be called by the Secretary.
4.3. The Committee shall have recourse on all members of the Club for relief from any obligations or
contracts for which they have, as managers, made themselves liable or entered into on behalf of the
Club whether as lessee or otherwise.
4.4. The Committee shall have the power to make, amend, alter, or revoke any rule or rules of the Club
as they may deem necessary for the better management of the Club or safety of drivers, but no rule
or rules so made and no such alteration, amendment or recision shall be binding until approved by
members of the Club, either at the AGM or at an SGM called for the purpose and notice of such
alteration shall be given at least seven days prior to such meeting.
4.5. The Committee shall have the power to inflict reasonable penalties on any member who shall
willfully infringe any of the Club’s rules or by-laws and such member shall not be allowed to continue
the privileges of membership until such fines have been paid. Such decisions will require a 75%
majority vote of the Committee.
4.6. The Committee shall have the power to cancel membership of any member who consistently
infringes the Club rules and/or brings the Club into disrepute. Such decisions will require a 75%
majority vote of the Committee. (See 8 - Expulsion).
4.7. Any sub-committee formed or co-opted shall have no more than 50% of the main Committee and
the Chairman of the said sub-committee shall be a member of the main Committee.
4.8. Any co-opted member to a sub-committee will be given full voting rights on that sub-committee.
4.9. A quorum for main Committee meetings will be five Committee members.
4.10. Decisions at Committee meetings will be by simple majority (except for 4.5 and 4.6). The
Chairman of the meeting will have a deliberative vote and in the event of equal voting, he shall have
a casting vote.
4.11. The Committee, by majority vote, can decide to hold all or part of Committee Meetings “in
5. Changes to Constitution and Rules
5.1. Changes to the Constitution and Rules, including those in Schedule One and Schedule Two require
a two thirds majority of the votes cast.
5.2. No addition to or alteration of the Rules shall be approved if it affects the Pecuniary Profit Clause or
the Winding Up clause
6. Election of Committee, Appointment of Officers and Membership
6.1. Election of the Committee shall be by ballot. Voting, at all meetings except where explicitly stated
and including meetings of the Executive, shall be by majority vote and on the voices, but a show of
hands or a secret ballot may be called for and enforced by the President or Vice President or the
Chairman at that meeting or by any two persons standing and demanding same.
6.2. The Club shall consist of Junior, Senior, Allied and Associate driving and Family Members, and
Social, Honorary and Life Members. Family membership allows two votes to be cast, and all other
financial membership allows one vote to be cast except that Allied and Associate members have no
vote. Junior members shall be under 17 years old, members of a family membership may be any
combination of other membership types but shall be related and of the same address. Associate
members must be full financial driving members of a KartSport New Zealand affiliated Club. Allied
members must be full financial members of a sports club approved by resolution of the Committee
or of an AGM or SGM. Proxy votes are not permitted
6.3. Members who fail to give notice to the Secretary prior to the 30th day of April each and every year
of their intention to resign or withdraw from the Club shall be held legally liable for the subscription
for the current year.
6.4. Any Member may resign or withdraw his membership by giving to the Secretary notice provided his
subscription be paid at the time.
6.5. Any person expelled or ceasing to be a member of the Club on any account whatsoever shall forfeit
all right to, or claim upon, the Club or its property, but shall not be thereby released from his
pecuniary obligations to the Club.
6.6. Financial Year
6.6.1. The financial year for subscriptions runs from 1st April to 31st March. Persons joining the Club between 31st
December and 31st March will need to pay the normal application fee, but one third the current annual subscription as
set out in Schedule One.
6.6.2. Subscriptions must be paid for within 20 days of the commencement of the subscription year, i.e. 20th April.
6.6.3. Any Member whose subscription is in arrears after 3 months, i.e. by 20th June, will be excluded from membership,
providing a reminder has been sent.
6.6.4. Any Member excluded from membership through 6.6.3 may rejoin, providing the Committee agrees and payment of
arrears plus a new joining fee is made.
6.6.5. Financial membership will be determined as at 31st March each year.
6.7.Club Officers (ie Member Communication Editor, Race Secretary, Club Race Officials, Club
Technical Officers, Club Machine Examiners) will be appointed from time to time by the Committee.
These appointees will operate in accordance with the appropriate Kartsport New Zealand rules as
detailed in the current Kartsport New Zealand Rule Book.
6.8. The Members shall be held to consent to, and be bound by, the rules of the Club and shall not be
entitled to appeal to any court because of anything done or omitted to be done under these
6.9. The end of the financial year shall be at the end of March.
6.10. Election of Life Members of the Club will be by simple majority vote at the AGM.
6.11. Honorary Members may be appointed and/or reappointed, on an annual basis, at the discretion of
the Committee, except that the elected President of the Club shall be granted Honorary
Membership for the duration of his/her term in office.
7. Meetings
7.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held each year within six months of the end of the
financial year at such time and place and by such method as the Committee may decide. Such
meetings shall elect the Officers and Committee, receive the Annual Report and Balance Sheet and
transact any general or special business of the Club. Not less than seven days notice shall be given
to each Member of the business of such General Meeting.
7.2. The number of attendances of the Committee Members at Committee Meetings shall be shown on
the agenda of the AGM
7.3. Any special business will be considered at an AGM or SGM provided that notice thereof be given to
the Secretary fourteen clear days before such meeting and the Secretary shall notify Members of
such special business in accordance with 7.1.
7.4. The President shall, at any time he may deem necessary, instruct the Secretary to summon by
notice to all members for General and Committee meetings. Such notices, in the case of General
and Special meetings shall state the business to be transacted at such meeting and shall be
advised to Members no later than 7 days before such meeting.
7.5. The President, or in his absence, the Vice President, shall be required to call a Committee Meeting
when applied to by four members of the Committee or by petition signed by 20% of the number of
available votes of the financial Members of the Club. Such Committee Meeting to take place within
10 days of receipt of the application which shall be a notice setting forth the purpose for which the
meeting is desired and at such meeting no matter shall be discussed except the subject for which
the meeting was called.
7.6. The President, or in his absence, the Vice President, or in his absence, an elected interim Chairman
shall take the Chair at all Special, General, or Committee Meetings.
7.7. The President shall be required to call a Special General Meeting of the Club on:
the 75% majority vote of the Committee to call such a meeting.
a petition signed by at least 30% of the number of available votes of the financial Members of the Club.
7.7.1. Such SGM shall take place within 30 days from the date of the Committee decision or receipt of the application which
shall be in writing setting forth the purpose for which the meeting is desired and at such meeting no matter shall be
discussed but the subject for which the meeting was called, and such meeting shall be convened by circular with the
notice of the business to be transacted to be advised to each Member seven clear days before such meeting.
7.8. At all General and Special General Meetings of the Club 30% of the number of available votes of
the financial Senior, Family and Junior Members shall form a quorum.
7.9. At SGMs and the AGM the Chairman shall have a deliberative vote and in the event of equal voting
he shall have a casting vote. Proxy votes are not permitted.
7.10. Intending new Members may apply in writing to the Committee for membership using the form
prescribed for that purpose. All new Members must be accepted by the Committee before
membership is granted.
8. Expulsion
8.1. If the conduct of any Member is such as appears to endanger the character, good order or welfare
of the Club, the Committee may (refer 4.5, 4.6) suspend the Member from the privileges of the Club
during its pleasure, or may call upon such Member to resign, and upon his refusal to do so and his
failure upon reasonable notice to show good cause why he should not cease to be a Member, the
Committee shall have the power (refer 4.5, 4.6) to remove his name from the register of Members
and shall thereupon cease to be a Member of the Club. Any Member dealt with under this rule
shall have the right to be heard and shall be permitted to produce evidence rebutting the charge
against him.
9. Administration
9.1. The Secretary shall under the signatures of the President, Secretary and Treasurer open an
account in the name of the Club with the Bank of New Zealand, or such other Bank as may
hereinafter be named by the Committee and all monies received shall be deposited to the credit of
that account. Any two of the three signatories may operate the account.
9.2. No liability shall be incurred by any Member on behalf of the Club without the prior consent of the
Committee with the exception of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who may authorise
expenditure to the amounts listed in Schedule One - Limits of Authority, and such amounts
approved by the Committee at the first Committee meeting following expenditure. Limits of
authority can only be altered by Remit to an AGM or SGM.
9.3. The Committee is authorised to undertake transactions to purchase, take or lease or otherwise
acquire upon such terms as it may think fit, any real or personal property and any rights and
privileges either necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Club, and may erect, maintain,
improve, or alter any buildings or works as it may acquire on behalf of the Club providing such
transactions are within the Limits of Authority contained in Schedule One. Limits of Authority can
only be altered by Remit to an AGM or SGM.
9.4. The Committee is authorised on behalf of the Club to borrow or raise money upon mortgages of
any of the real and personal or other obligations or securities of the Club providing such
transactions are within the Limits of Authority contained in Schedule One. Limits of Authority can
only be altered by Remit to an AGM or SGM.
9.5. The Committee is authorised to invest and deal with the funds of the Club upon such securities or
in a manner and upon such terms and conditions as the Committee may think fit, providing such
transactions are within the Limits of Authority contained in Schedule One. Limits of Authority can
only be altered by Remit to an AGM or SGM.
9.6. The Committee can raise money for specific projects by way of imposing a special levy on
Members. Such levies to be within the Limits of Authority contained in Schedule One. Limits of
Authority can only be altered by Remit to an AGM or SGM.
9.7. All claims, accounts, debts and liabilities of the Club shall be passed for payment by the Committee
and shall be paid by banking process except that the committee may by resolution approve direct
debit of repetitive accounts. All processing shall be authorised by any two of the following:
President, Treasurer, and one other member of the Committee, this Member to be decided by the
9.8. The Secretary and Treasurer on their retirement from office shall hand to their successors all
books, papers and documents in their possession, any access keys to club information whether
real or virtual, a supplementary balance sheet and any other property belonging to the Club. All
committee members on their retirement from office shall hand their successors all books, papers,
and documents in their possession and any other property belonging to the Club.
9.9. The Treasurer shall submit to the General Meeting to be held in April, May or June of each year
and every year a statement of accounts for the past season which shall have been certified as
prepared in accordance with current accounting practices.
9.10. The Secretary or substitute shall convene and attend all General, Special General and Committee
meetings of the Club and keep regular and correct minutes of the proceedings thereat in books
which shall be produced at every meeting, conduct the correspondence according to directions he
may receive from the President or Committee and attend generally to all clerical duties in
connection with the Club.
9.11. The Secretary shall keep a record of the names, addresses, membership type, occupations and
ages (if under 18) of all Members of the Club.
9.12. The Secretary and Treasurer shall not permit any book or document to be inspected except by a
Member of the Committee or management without a written order from the President or by a
resolution from the Committee. The Secretary and Treasurer shall perform any other duty
consistent with their office not herein set forth.
9.13. The Committee shall on a motion receiving at least 33% of the votes at an AGM or a Special
General Meeting called for that purpose select a qualified auditor or reviewer to review the annual
financial statements of the Society (“the Reviewer”). The Reviewer shall review the statements and
report whether the Reviewer believes that the financial information is presented in accordance with
current standard accounting policies. The Reviewer must be a suitably qualified person and must
not be a member of the Committee or an employee of the Club.
The Committee shall provide the Reviewer with:
a. Access to all information of which the Committee is aware that is relevant to the
preparation of the financial statements.
b. Additional information that the reviewer may reasonably request from the Committee for
the purpose of the review; and
c. Reasonable access to persons within the Club from whom the reviewer determines it
necessary to obtain information.
9.14. Any Member or person breaking or injuring the property belonging to or in the possession of or for
the use of the Club shall pay the cost of repairing or replacing such property.
9.15. No Member shall without due authorisation take away from the Club’s premises any property
belonging to, in the possession of, or for the use of the Club or any Member thereof.
9.16. No person shall suffer any penalty under any of these rules without the consent of the Committee
and any person complained of shall be allowed to defend himself before such Committee.
9.17. All complaints shall be made to the Secretary by letter and any such complaint shall be laid before
the Committee with as little delay as possible and the answer sent by the Secretary under their
9.18. The registered office of the Club shall be the address of the Secretary in office.
10. Common Seal
10.1. The Committee shall forthwith provide a Common Seal for the Club and such seal shall not be
affixed to any deed or document except by the order of the Committee.
10.2. Every deed or other document to which the Seal for the Club is required to be affixed shall be
signed by two members of the Committee and by the President or Secretary of the Club for the
time being. The Secretary shall be responsible for the custody of the Common Seal
11. Winding Up
11.1. The Club shall not be wound up except by “Special Resolution” passed in accordance with the
provisions of Section 24 of the Regulations under “The Incorporated Societies Act, 1908”.
11.2. If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts
and liabilities any property whatsoever the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members
of the organisation but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organisation or body
having objects similar to the objects of the Club, or for some other charitable purpose, within New
12. Pecuniary Profit
12.1. No member of the Club or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially
influence any decision made by the organisation in respect of any income, benefit, or advantage
whatsoever. Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in
an arms length transaction (being the open market value).
13. General Rules
13.1. The Club may make rules governing and regulating races for the Club’s trophies. These are set
out in Schedule Two - Racing Rules.
13.2. The Club championships should be held annually, the time and date(s) to be arranged by the
Committee. Any full financial Members shall be eligible to compete in his or her class or classes
without prejudice.
13.3. As no rule can be devised capable of meeting every incident or accident of racing the President
should keep in view the ordinary customs of the track and discourage all attempts to win a race by
other than fair means of racing - Superior speed and skill.
13.4. Every owner competing under the rules of the Club and Kartsport New Zealand shall permit all
reasonable inspection of the owner’s kart /equipment by the Technical Officer(s) and Machine
Examiners where such inspection is within the scope of the particular Officer’s duty, (either safety
or for technical measurement). In accordance with KartSport New Zealand rules any technical
inspection and measurement of engines will be carried out by a KartSport New Zealand Technical
13.5. All Karts racing in Club races must have their approved number showing clearly.
13.6. Helmets and full protective clothing as per the current KartSport New Zealand Manual are to be
worn at all times on the track, and the kart shall meet the required safety standards.
13.7. The Committee may refuse any race entry that is clearly against the Club’s interests.
13.8. The Club recognizes KartSport New Zealand as the sole governing body of kart racing in New
13.9. Full driving members of the Club (ie Family, Senior or Junior) are entitled to introduce prospective
new members through the lend of the Club members kart for trial laps These prospective members
must sign an indemnity before driving, shall be attired as per 13.6 and shall have an ‘X’ plate fitted
to the rear of the kart. The Club Member must be present while the trial is in progress.
13.10.Club Members and/or other organisations wishing to hire the track for any reason must apply to the
Committee in a recordable manner. The Committee shall negotiate an appropriate fee.
13.11.Use of the track by non-members will require appropriate indemnity forms.
13.12.Members abusing either 13.9 or 13.10 will be subject to fine or expulsion at the discretion of the
13.13.Any person not financial with the Club shall not be allowed to make use of the Club’s property or
plant without the prior permission of the Committee. Should such person or property be found on
the Club’s premises, the Committee may immediately order the removal of the person and/or
property, and the owner shall be responsible for damages and the expense of such removal.
13.14 The Club may notify the members of voluntary work days (working bees) from time to time.
Members who do not attend at least three such days in a membership year may be levied a sum
specified in Schedule 1, Rule 2. Such levy may be issued in June each year and shall be based on
attendance at work days in the previous club financial year for those persons who were members
for the whole of that year. Levies received shall be offset against works capital and labour
14. Subscriptions
14.1 Subscriptions as specified in Schedule 1 shall increase at the beginning of each subscription year
by a factor equivalent to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous subscription year
approximated to the nearest whole dollar unless otherwise resolved by an Annual General Meeting
or Special General Meeting.
1. Limits of Authority
To purchase, lease, or acquire property. | Committee | Requires AGM or SGM approval |
To erect, maintain, improve or alter building works. | Committee | At the discretion of the Committee with a limit of $30,000 per annum per project. |
Borrow, raise money upon mortgages. | Committee | Up to $30,000 outstanding at any one time. |
Invest and deal with the funds of the Club. | Committee | Must use recognized banks only. |
Sell, lease exchange mortgage or otherwise deal with any or all of the real or personal property of the Club. | Committee | At the discretion of the Committee. |
Incur expenses on behalf of Club providing Committee gives expenditure approval. | Committee | Member $500 maximum per item/project. |
Incur expenses on a Committee approved budget. | Committee | Member Within budget item limit. |
Impose special levies on Members. | Committee | $100 maximum per Member per annum. |
2. Subscriptions
2.1. Annual Fees effective 1st April 2009 are as follows (all include GST).
Inflation adjusted to Dec 2012
By general resolution the adjustment was not added in year 2014 onwards.
2.2. Joining Fee $35.00 $38.00
2.3. Full Year 1 Jan-31 March
2.3.1. Junior Membership $75.00 $25.00 $82.00 $27.00
2.3.2. Senior Membership $140.00 $45.00 $153.00 $49.00
2.3.3. Family Membership $150.00 $50.00 $164.00 $55.00
2.3.4. Associate Membership $75.00 $25.00 $82.00 $27.00
(Member of another Kartsport New Zealand affiliated Club) Note that members of such other Clubs are required to become at
least Associate Members should they attend more than two WKC Club Days within any 12 month period.
2.3.5. Social Membership (non-driving)
$45.00 $15.00 $49.00 $16.00
2.3.6. Allied Membership Subscription fees shall be equal to the appropriate one of Junior, Senior or Family
(Member of a sports club approved by an AGM or committee)
2.3.7 Annual Working Bee Levy (ref. Rule 13.14) is $75 including GST
The CPI from Dec 2008 to Dec 2009 was 3.2%.
The CPI from Dec 2009 to Dec 2010 was 2% or 6.1% cumulative
The CPI from Dec 2010 to Dec 2011 was 1.8% or 8% cumulative
The CPI from Dec 2011 to Dec 2012 was 0.9% or 9% cumulative
The CPI increase was not levied in 2014 onwards on a motion from the Annual General Meeting
CPIs for successive years should be calculated cumulatively from Dec 2008 before rounding down or up from 50c to the
nearest dollar.
2.4. Advance Payment
Members may pay their respective Membership Fees, up to three years in advance (i.e current year
plus two subsequent years). In this instance the Members will pay the current Membership Fee
amount for these future years and thus will not be subject to any Membership Fee increases that may
apply to these subsequent years. Should Membership Fees be reduced for those subsequent years
Members will be reimbursed the appropriate amount each year. Should a Member wish to resign from
the Club any refund of prepaid fees will be calculated from the end of the financial year in which the
resignation is received.
Note: Family Membership only covers those family members who live at the same address.
Family Members of Honorary Members need only pay the difference between Senior and Family
3. Life Members
The following Life Members are exempted from annual subscription fees.
John & Lenaire Neill R McWhirter
John Rowell Harry Rudolph
Rose & Ray Sparks Tom & Margaret Walsh
Mr and Mrs Gary Davy Graham Bolton
Barry Cappleman Vicki Park
Robert Hutton Peter Cartwright
Ray Watkins Gary & Beth Wilson
Brent Melhop Margaret Newton
Phil Davy (posthumously) Simon Burling-Claridge
Alex Chronis (posthumously)
Note: Family Members of Life Members resident at the same address need only pay the difference between Senior and
Family Membership.
4. Noise Restrictions
No kart engine shall be started at the Kaitoke track outside the hours of 9am to 5pm. The penalty for
transgression shall be revocation of membership privileges.
5. Smoking Restrictions
"KartSport NZ rule G.1.11 portion currently reading 'G1.11 SMOKING/NAKED FLAMES: Smoking
and naked flames are not permitted in the designated pits or extended pit area, the dummy grid,
pit chute or technical inspection areas.' is extended to also exclude the use of vaporous substitutes for
smoking in those areas."
(Last update July 2016)
Note: Unless otherwise stated all racing rules and technical specifications are in accordance with the latest
KartSport New Zealand Rule Book.
1. Classes to be raced shall be as per KartSport New Zealand specifications
3. Enduro Events (Normally held on September Club Day.)
Kart specifications as per KartSport NZ at end of race
3.1. Cadet Enduro
3.1.1. grid draw ‘out of hat’
3.1.2. up to 30 Minute duration
3.1.3. maximum one driver per kart
3.1.4. one compulsory pit stop with a refuelling
3.2. Mini ROK Enduro
3.2.1. grid draw “out of the hat”
3.2.2. up to 40 minute duration
3.2.3. maximum two drivers per kart
3.2.4. one compulsory single wheel change
3.3. Junior Enduro
3.3.1. grid draw “out of the hat”
3.3.2. up to 60 minute duration
3.3.3. maximum two drivers per kart
3.3.4. one compulsory single wheel change
3.4. Senior Enduro
3.4.1. grid draw “out of the hat”.
3.4.2. up to 120 minute duration.
3.4.3. maximum of three drivers per kart.
3.4.4. two compulsory pit stops including one compulsory single wheel change.
3.4.5. fuel tank 5 litres maximum capacity or larger but marked at 5 litres by the technical officer and scrutineered during the
race as not being filled above that level with the levelling mark rechecked at teching.
3.4.6. first three overall recognised plus at least one driver in any other class with three entries or more. Each driver in
multiple driver teams must weigh in to meet the MAUW for the class entered
3.4.7. No weight, except for fuel and driver in normal racing attire, may be added to or removed from the kart during pit stops
4. Annual Points Championship
4.1. The Annual Points Championship is designed to recognise successful full membership drivers who
compete regularly during the year.
4.2. Results are calculated as follows:
4.2.1. All Club Days except Xmas Fun Day, Enduro Day and Club Championships count.
4.3. The Championship will commence at the August Club Day and conclude at the July Club Day each
4.4. Points will be awarded for each class as follows:
4.4.1. -1st overall on the day = 1 point
4.4.2. -2nd overall on the day = 2 points (etc)
4.4.3. -Not entered on the day = number of entries plus one point
4.5.1 No points will be awarded when a class is not run on the day.
4.5.2 A driver must complete four annual points championships qualifying club days to be eligible for an annual points trophy.
For Senior classes there must additionally be a minimum of three competitors within a class completing four qualifying
club days before any recognition is provided.
4.5.3 A one day licence or associate membership is allowable for a maximum of two championship points scoring days. A
driver must otherwise be a full member and hold a racing licence.
4.6. Calculation of Final Result
4.6.1. Points scored in each class will be totaled and then the driver’s worst result or did not enter will be subtracted to
calculate the final points, when drivers are disqualified for technical or other infringements etc from a meeting, this result
cannot be dropped in calculating the final points. Disqualified drivers will be credited with last place for the meeting
concerned. The driver with the lowest points wins. Ties as per Kartsport New Zealand system.
4.7. The placegetters in each class will be recognised. A token or trophy shall be provided for all
competitors from classes with drivers under 10. Drivers changing classes will be counted in each
class separately.
4.8. Progress scores will be published on a regular basis.
5. Special Awards/Trophies
5.1. The following Special Awards and Trophies are presented annually at the AGM.
5.1.1. Club Person of the Year By secret ballot vote of Members at the AGM. Nominations from the floor. Highest polling nominee wins.
A person or family who have contributed much to the Club throughout the year.
5.2. Sportsperson of the Year
5.2.1. By secret ballot vote of Members at the AGM. Nominations from the floor. Highest polling nominee wins.
The Senior member who is deemed to have performed in a sporting manner throughout the year. May include performance,
attitude, assistance to others, etc.
5.3. Junior Sportsperson of the Year
5.3.1. By vote of Committee immediately prior to AGM. Nominations by Committee Members.
A Junior member who is deemed to have performed in a sporting manner throughout the year. This may include
performance, assistance to others or attitude.
5.4. Rookie of the Year
5.4.1. By vote of Committee immediately prior to AGM. Nominations by Committee Members.
Best performing member who has joined in the previous year.
5.5. Colin Surrey Motors Dedication Award
5.5.1. By vote of Committee immediately prior to AGM. Nominations by Committee Members.
Awarded to a person who has performed in a dedicated manner, regardless of whether racing or assisting the club
6. Recommended Race Fees
6.1. Cadet per Club Day $35.00 (inc GST)
6.2. MiniROK Per Club Day $35.00 (inc GST)
6.3. Junior & Senior per Club Day $35.00 (inc GST)
6.4. Kartsport New Zealand One Day Licence for all classes: $30 (incl. GST). This is payable in
addition to the respective class clubday race fee
6.5. Associate Members per Club Day Normal class fee plus $5.00 (inc GST)
6.6. Maximum fees per family $50.00
6.7 Race Fees may be paid for any one member on an annual basis at $350.00 for up to 11 monthly
Club Days in any one financial year excluding Xmas Club Day.
7. Club Day Organisation
7.1.For Club events persons late for scrutineering and registration will run off the back of the grid for
the predetermined heats.
7.2 X rated drivers will not be included in the grid draw for the 4 predetermined heats and must display
a large cross on a rear number plate until they obtain their Rating. This cross must be clearly
visible and be black on a standard white kart numberplate. It is the driver’s responsibility to inform
race control, at driver registration, that they are X rated.
7.3. A transponder fitted as required by KartSport New Zealand chassis regulations is to be used at
each Club Day and must be in place prior to scrutineering.
8. Trophies
8.1 Perpetual Trophies awarded to competitors by Wellington Kart Club and not returned before the
time at which they are next to be awarded may be charged against the competitor at $10.00 for
each time at which they should have been awarded up to a period of three months. After this time
a single charge of $75 will be made to replace the trophy.