Track Rules

Please make your are familiar with these rules, which are needed for the efficient and safe use of the clubs over $1,500,000 worth of facilities. It is your responsibility to see that these rules are followed. We are very fortunate to be able to use our track almost 365 days of the year and ask for your help to keep it that way! Any changes in these rules will be published here and emailed to members.

1. Non Club Day Practice

a) You may not drive a kart without another person present at the track .

b) The other person must be capable of obtaining or giving assistance in the event of an accident.

c) Practice sessions are for a maximum of 15 minutes if another kart or Bike is waiting.

d) Separate sessions are required for Cadet Rok, Mini Rok, Junior, and Senior. This essentially means there is NO mixing of age classes allowed on track!

e) Protective clothing and an approved helmet, as per KartSport NZ rules must be used during any practice session.

f) The club does not charge practice fees to club members – these form part of your membership costs.

g) The track is available to members on any non-club day unless otherwise advised on the website, Facebook, or via email.

h) Club members from other clubs must pay a practice fee using the form titled "Practice Form" in the Forms tab of the website.

i) When exiting the track, karts MUST use the correct pit exit which leads down into the pit chute. No U turns are allowed on the dummy grid.

j) Karts must only join the track from the dummy grid.

k) Please make sure the dummy grid gate is down while karts are on the track.

l) Reverse direction practice is NOT allowed unless the committee has advised otherwise and has set up the track accordingly.

m) Please close the main gate behind you. This ensures that non-club members do not enter without your knowledge and provide a possible conflict with our Health and Safety requirements.

n) Karts, at all times must meet their respective requirements of the KartSport NZ rules.

o) It is permitted for friends and/or family to "have a go" on non club days. All above rules must be followed and at least one person must hold both a Kartsport Wellington membership AND Kartsport New Zealand Competition Licence. Kartsport Wellington and Kartsport New Zealand will not be liable for any injury/death that occurs and you partake in a trial of Kartsport at your own risk.

2. Track Hours

9am to 5pm

Daylight savings 9am to 6pm

Race days are exempt from the finish times, but a start time of 9am is stricly enforced.

Practice outside these hours may result in your being expelled from the club and will certainly create problems with the clubs neighbours.

3. Un Rated Drivers

Unrated drivers must carry a clearly visible ‘X’ in place of a rear number. This may only be removed when the race officials consider that a driver has reached a minimum capability level and the driver has demonstrated a knowledge of the basic rules. Ask a race official if you think you have reached a standard which will pass an observation. Karts with an ‘X’ run off the back of the grid.

4. Waste Oil
There is a large waste oil drum at the back of the Tech Shed, It is a brightly coloured plastic drum. NO fuel is allowed, it is for oil only.

5. Tidiness

Please keep the pits clear of rubbish and discarded parts by using the rubbish bins provided and if fuel is spilled on the asphalt please clean it as soon as possible before it dissolves the asphalt. The clubhouse should be kept in a reasonable state. We ask for your cooperation.

6. Damage To Property

If you find (or create) any damage to the track or buildings please ring the President or Secretary as soon as possible.

7. Security

You are responsible for making sure that the track and buildings are secure when you leave.

Club Information

1. Financial Members

Members must be either:

  • Racing Members (Junior or Senior)
  • Family Members
  • Social Members
  • Honorary Members
  • Life Members

All members should be able to produce a current Digital membership identification on request by a club official.

2. Racing Members

Must apply to KartSport New Zealand for a KartSport driving licence. A Racing member must produce a current licence at each club day to be eligible to race. 

3. Transponders

It is compulsory to have a transponder on your kart on race day. Transponders can be purchased or leased on a permanent basis from KartSport New Zealand, the club has some transponders that can be temporarily leased for a club day.

4. Fees

Club day entry fees are $80.00.  

One Day licences are available for those without racing licences to have a trial day. The cost is $60 over and above the race fee.

5. Demonstration and Have a Go Drives

Time is available after racing, and perhaps at lunch time, for potential members to hire the clubs have a go karts.

6. Gate Payment
No fee is charged for entry to club days for spectators or support crew.

7. Club Day Classes

  • Cadet Rok or Cadet Raket
  • Vortex Mini Rok
  • Rotax Max Junior
  • Junior 100cc Yamaha
  • Junior DVS
  • Junior Briggs LO206
  • Clubclass (100cc Yamaha)
  • Briggs LO206 Light and Heavy
  • Rotax Max Senior Light and Heavy
  • Senior DVS
  • Open, KZ2 or DD2

8. Shop

The club shop has hot food, drinks and confectionery available during and after racing.

9. Prizegiving

You are welcome to stay for prize giving which starts about 45 minutes after racing finishes. It is a great time to get to know other Karters, and if you finish in the top 3, a certificate is awarded.

10. Track Access

As part of your membership privileges at KartSport Wellington, you are able to apply for a track access swipe card.  Having a card allows you access to our facility to practice more than most clubs in New Zealand with up to seven days a week between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

To be eligible for track access you must:

  • Be a financial member of KartSport Wellington
  • Hold a current KartSport NZ racing or practice licence
  • Be a participating member of our club – for example completed a minimum of 3 club days in the last 12 months, hold a Current Tier 1 Kartsport licence, have assisted with permitted events or attended working bees.

Track access card allocation has always been by the approval of the committee.  The committee will continue to look at each application and use discretion around various aspects of each members participation the last 12 months.  Discretion will be used around new members or those who have not yet been members for a 12 month period.

We are very fortunate to have one of the best karting facilities in NZ. Maintaining such a facility has huge labour and financial costs.  Members attending club days and assisting with working bees or assisting at events we run in turn contribute to reducing these costs. The committee feels that to keep our facility amongst the best and to keep maintenance costs down we need participation/assistance from our members. We hope that you will all understand and embrace these thoughts as well.